[The prosperity index of the textile and apparel ]
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The prosperity index of the textile and apparel professional market declined in March

The prosperity monitoring results of the China Textile Federation Circulation Branch show that in March 2022, the prosperity index of the national textile and apparel professional market managers was 45.75, a decrease of 4.20 percentage points from 49.95 in January-February; the prosperity index of professional market merchants was 47.84, compared with 1- 49.88 in February fell 2.04 percentage points. In March, affected by the epidemic, the professional textile and apparel market in some regions experienced delayed opening and suspension of business, and the overall prosperity index declined.

1. The prosperity of managers and merchants declined

The data shows that in March, the prosperity indexes of managers and merchants in the national textile and apparel professional market decreased as a whole compared with January-February. Affected by the epidemic, the professional market prosperity index declined significantly.

Judging from the managerial climate index, among the general indices, the managerial climate index in March was 45.75, down 4.20 from 49.95 in January-February; the business environment index was 45.48, down 4.52 percentage points from 50.00 in January-February.

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